Meet Our Member: CoCarting

Meet Our Member: CoCarting

🔦 Today is TCCP's #meetourmembermonday and we are shining the spotlight on CoCarting🔦

Lily Yi Meng, the Founder and CEO of CoCarting. She was motivated by personal frustration and inspired by the pandemic-induced isolation experienced within her own family, Lily embarked on creating CoCarting. Online shoppers no longer need to share product links back and forth between friends and family because CoCarting has merged chat, vote, and shared shopping cart into one platform. Shop together, Smile Together!

CoCarting, boasting over 300 affiliates including Amazon and Walmart, and over 40 million products for users to browse. It addresses the challenges faced by 274 million online shoppers previously navigating 14 million sites in isolation, contributing to $743 billion in returns last year, and 9.5 billion pounds of goods ended up in waste landfills.

Cocarting transforms online shopping to make decisions together, and our team is dedicated to bringing friends and family closer together, saving shoppers money, decreasing product returns, and shrinking our ecological footprint.

To learn more, email Lily Meng

FUN FACT: CoCarting was formed because Lily faced the same problems as that many online shoppers experience every day. 

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