17th Central Pennsylvania Symposium on Signal Integrity (SI) and Mid Atlantic Semiconductor Hub (MASH) Forum
Hello Dear Colleagues:
We would like to cordially invite you and your students to the Combined 17th Central Pennsylvania Symposium on Signal and Power Integrity and MASH Forum on April 19, 2024, Penn State Harrisburg. MASH stands for Mid Atlantic Semiconductor Hub; it is a Penn State initiative that involves several universities to bring back semiconductor manufacturing into the USA. This initiative is funded through the CHIPS act. I know several of you may be interested in hearing from semiconductor experts as well as from workforce development initiatives. As you probably are also aware, semiconductor companies are suffering from trained students from associate degree level all the way to Ph.D. level. Hence, we have also invited an expert speaker to discuss workforce development.
Please see below for keynote speakers and Workshops
Keynote Speakers
- Tom Coughlin, President of IEEE, discussing the CHIPS act and the implications of it for the semiconductor industry and its associated influence on the connector industry and consumer electronics.
- Dr. Daniel Lopez, MASH Director and Liang Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Penn State University.
- Dr. Eric Bogatin, University of Colorado, Boulder, Editor in Chief, The Signal Integrity Journal
- Juan Martinez, AMD, Signal Integrity Engineer
- Howard Heck, Intel, Principal Engineer
MASH Workforce Development
- Dr. Mark D. Threeton, Professor of education, Technical Teacher Education within the Workforce Education and Development, Penn State University
- Dr. Chun-Ting "Tim" Wang Lee, Signal Integrity Application Scientist, Keysight Technologies
- Other workshops from Rohde & Schwarz, Ansys.
The link for the combined symposium and MASH forum is here: https://harrisburg.psu.edu/center-for-signal-integrity/symposium
Additional Info
Related Links : https://harrisburg.psu.edu/center-for-signal-integrity/symposium